Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

that you will feel you cannot tolerate it any more, that
you will explode in ecstasy.
You will fall in love like you were 20 again.
You will discover an aspect of self, one’s sense of
presence, or the ‘I Am’ that permeates both body and
mind, and fills you with energy, love, and the life force
Finally and gradually, all the great spiritual sayings,
all the works of all the masters will become increasing
clear to you after you have let go of the need to
understand, for you will be dwelling in your heart,
operating from the heart, with a silent mind that is the
heart’s perfect servant. One will “reach out” into the
world from your heart, feeling the world, touching it,
loving it, others, and yourself, totally, tenderly, and
This is what this book is about, it is a manual on
how to escape being the servant of your mind, to find
your true self in the heart as well as all the other
mansion-rooms of existence that are also you on many
different levels. You are a very, very complex entity,
with many levels of existence. Yet, the paradox is, the
more you know you, the less you appear to exist!
As wondrous as these discoveries are, I am not
saying the “path” is easy. In a sense it means a radical

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