Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Krishna or Christ consciousness or such, or to Para-
Brahman, and being in a love relationship that died,
you had died. Then, like me, you were “kissed alive.”
Now your heart is torn open and you feel great
anguish, self-doubt, second guessing, wondering what
you did wrong, depressed and angry.
But in fact you are just beginning a new journey of
aliveness, rawness, and intensity that eventually can
result in the greatest of all awakenings, Self-
Realization through love of others and of your own
Self, your ‘I Am’. Though the intense emotionality may
seem hard to bear now, it will likely get even worse,
and by that, I mean more intense. It is this intensity,
gradually growing in strength, that prepares your body,
and your sense of presence, which is your self-
awareness of who you are, for both an awakening of
spiritual intelligence, but also prepares the way for
the Self, as ‘I Am,’ to reveal itself to you, as ‘You’.

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