6 Unique Handmade Jewelry Making

(Dana P.) #1

  1. Introduction

Do you want to look attractive, stylish and unique? Nowadays fashion
magazines set new trends literally on everything: shoes, clothes, accessories,
jewelry. It’s not surprising that jewelry, made of seed beads, has recently
become very popular.

Variety of colors, fancy forms and different textures, which you can match and
mix, will turn jewelry into masterpiece. But you will be mistaken if you think
that beading with seed beads is a diligent and laborious work. There are a lot of
various techniques and simple methods available to create fabulous jewelry
with seed beads.

These items of craft work will always look unique and glamorous, and what's
more important they will be made by your own hands. You will be able to
create your unique jewelry, which will complete your outfit with its distinctive
and glamorous design.

In this tutorial you will find comprehensible schemes, used by seed bead
jewelry designers in making simple and sophisticated items. We will explore
these schemes on example of a particular jewelry item. You will then apply
these techniques while making your own items according to your fantasy and

You will also find photos of items and schemes with detailed instructions and
explanation how to make one or another jewelry item. Further to the above,
each item has full description of materials used for beading of this item.

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