6 Unique Handmade Jewelry Making

(Dana P.) #1

Other instruments and equipment, which you will need for making a particular
item, will be mentioned in each tutorial. You can purchase all the needed
instruments and equipment at specialized beading stores. In case you either
face difficulties in finding such stores near you or you just prefer to order
everything you need directly from the Internet, I've got a very convenient
solution for you. Instead of running around the city for finding all the required
tools, I’ve provided you with an option to get all the necessary equipment
directly from suppliers whom I consistently order from.

This way you won’t only save your valuable time but you will also get the best
prices as well as high quality tools, which is very important for our kind of job.
So don’t repeat my mistakes; don’t go and buy the cheapest tools and
equipment out there! It doesn’t worth it; believe me. I know exactly what I’m
talking about since I went through it in the beginning of my designing career!
Invest one time in quality equipment and you’ll be able to use it literally for
decades over and over again.

Anyway, in the end of the day, this is your choise which tools and equipment to
use and where to get them from. Go for whichever option you feel is the best
for you. I just give you here an alternative way, which I wish somebody could
provide me with when I started.

Good luck!

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