The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia

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200 The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia

who have understanding mouths, and whose power reaches unto
“The children of the gods came, full of woe; Isis came with
her magic; with her mouth full of the breath of life, whose recipes
destroy pain, whose word gives life to the dead. She said:‘What
is it, what is it, O father of the gods? A serpent hath wrought
this suffering in thee, one of thy creatures hath lifted up his
head against thee. Surely he shall be overthrown by beneficent
incantations; I will make him retreat at the sight of thy rays.’
“The holy god opened his mouth:‘I walked along the road,
[218] travelling through the two lands of the earth, after the desire of
my heart, that I might see what I had created; then was I bitten
by a serpent that I saw not. Is it fire, is it water? I am colder than
water, I am hotter than fire, all my limbs sweat, I tremble, my
eye is unsteady, I see not the sky, drops roll from my face as in
the season of summer.’
“Isis replied to Ra:‘O tell me thy name, father of the gods,
then shall he live who is released (from pain) by thy name.’But
Ra answers:‘I have created heaven and earth, I have set the
hills in order, and made all beings that are thereon. I am he who
created the water, and caused the primeval ocean to issue forth.
I created the spouse of his (divine) mother. I created the heavens
and the secrets of the two horizons, and have ordered the souls of
the gods. I am he who illuminates all things at the opening of his
eyes; if he closes his eyes, all is dark. The water of the Nile rises
when he bids it; the gods know not his name. I make the hours
and create the days, I send the year and create the inundation, I
make the fire that lives, I purify the house. I am Khepera in the
morning, Ra at noon, and Tum at evening.’
“The venom departed not, it advanced further, the great god
became no better. Then Isis said to Ra: ‘Thy name was not
pronounced in the words thou hast repeated. Tell it to me and
the poison will depart; then shall he live whose name is (thus)

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