The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia

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464 The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia

Bâkhu, 146.

Bakis, 111.

Balawât, 461.

Ball, Mr., 164.


Bast, 144, 231.

Bau, 304 sq., 407, 460, 473.

beast-worship, 37.

Bel, 118, 267, 301, 312, 348.

Bel-Merodach, 256.SeeMerodach.

Belshazzar, 469.

Beltis (Bilat), 310.

bennu. Seephœnix.

Berenikê, city of, 223.

Berossos, 264, 269, 299, 307, 377, 411, 436, 453, 475.

Bes, 139, 485.


Book Am Duat, 195 sq.

Book of Respirations, 194.

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