The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia

(lu) #1

Index. 471

Hadad, 319 sq., 329, 440.

Hades, Babylonian, 286, 288, 294, 349, 426, 427, 443, 491.


Harmakhis, 76, 78, 89, 220.

Harper, song of the, 13, 125.

Harran, 314, 315, 335, 482.

Hathor, 36, 143, 145 sq., 228.

Hathor-headed column, 119.

Haupt, Prof., 433, 455, 464, 465, 471.

hawk of Horus, 71, 103, 104.

heart, 66.

" school of, 33, 131.

hell, Egyptian, 179, 197.

Hêraklês, 432, 436, 443, 446.

Herkhuf, 133.

Hermetic books, 68, 101, 181.

Hermopolis, school of, 33, 114, 130, 132.

Herodotos, 110, 112, 139, 144, 454, 457.

Hesperides, 446.

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