The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia

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476 The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia

Mas, 79, 436.

Maspero, Professor, 33, 51, 59, 60, 63, 72, 77, 83, 87, 107, 132,
156, 161, 179, 183, 186, 189, 198, 207, 210, 244.

Mât, 174, 247.

materialism, 242.

mediation, Babylonian idea of, 495 sq.

Memphis, 51, 55, 58, 90, 139.
" origin of name of, 138.

Ménant, M., 468.

Mendes, 113, 115, 157, 206.

Meneptah, 141.

Menes, 44, 60, 103, 121, 160, 162.

Mentiu, the, 149.

Mentu, 89, 111, 149, 151.

mercy-seat, 456.

Mermer, 321.

Merodach (Asari), 256, 267, 269, 288, 302, 307, 323 sq., 351,
353, 354, 365, 382, 391, 428, 483.

Merodach identified with other gods, 336.

Merodach, etymology of name of, 272, 273.

Mert-seger, 210.

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