Index. 485
Shêkh Herîdî, 213.
Shem, 328.
Sheol, 295, 491.
shewbread, 455.
ships of the gods, 239.
Shu, 83, 89, 160, 225.
sin, Babylonian conception of, 417, 492 sq.
Sinai, 485.
Sinaitic Peninsula, 146.
Sin-liqi-unnini, 423, 438.
Sippara, 318, 344, 414, 482.
Sirius (Sopd), 148, 235, 238.
Smith, George, 387, 436, 437, 454.
smiths, 73, 128.
Sokaris, 138, 198, 199.
solar cult, 185.
sorcerer, 298.