Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1

Chapter 4

The code element can designate any sort of computer code. It’s not specific to any programming
language, so its contents could be HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Perl, C#, or any computer language
that needs to be distinguished from surrounding human-language content:

You can declare fonts in CSS with the font-family property.

The kbd element defines text or commands that the user should enter (usually by keyboard, though it
could be a voice or menu command), whereas the samp element illustrates sample output of a program or

At the prompt, enter your username, henchman21,
and your password. If it’s accepted, the display will read
ACCESS GRANTED and the portal will activate.

The var element designates a programming variable or argument, or a variable in a mathematical
expression. You can also use var in normal prose to mark a placeholder term:

Something-Man, Something-Man,
does whatever a something can.

The code, kbd, and samp elements are frequently combined with the pre element to preserve the
formatting of their contents, as you can see in Listing 4-36.

Listing 4-36. A JavaScript function marked up with a code element

function helloWorld() {
var button = document.getElementById("button");
if (button) {
button.onclick = function(){
alert("Hello, World!");

To aid readability, most browsers display code, kbd, and samp elements in a monospace typeface—one in
which every character is the same width, such as Courier. The var element is usually rendered in an
italicized font. Figure 4-22 shows all the previous examples together.

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