Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1
Assembling Forms and Applications

If that layout isn’t to your liking and you’d prefer the labels above the controls, a simple display: block,
as in Listing 8-32, does the trick. There’s no need for floats or widths; simply styling the label element as
block-level will put it on its own line. A small bottom margin adds a bit of space to keep things clean, and
we’ve declared the margin with an em unit so it’s proportional to the size of the text (0.25em is one quarter
of the font size).
Listing 8-32. A CSS rule styling all label elements as block-level

label {
display: block;
margin-bottom: 0.25em;
Figure 8-37 shows the results, with the labels above their associated fields.

Figure 8-37. The labels are now styled as block-level so each appears on its own line

Changing Fonts in Form Controls

Browsers typically render text in an input, select, textarea, or button element in a default size and
typeface that may differ from the default font for regular body text. Furthermore, this default form font
persists in spite of any base font you’ve declared for the rest of the document (as you learned in Chapter
4). That’s because the browser’s built-in style sheet declares fonts specifically for form elements rather
than allowing them to inherit their font settings as other elements do. There are good reasons for this,
since it’s especially important for form elements to be readable and render consistently, but it can still be a
thorn in a designer’s side.
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