Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1


CSS, selectors (cont.)

descendant selector, 30
element selector, 29
ID selector, 29
pseudo-class selector, 29
universal selector, 28
specificity and cascade, 32–34
style sheet cascade order, 61

CSS table model, 225
caption element, 232–36
styling columns, 229–32
styling rows and cells, 225
border-collapse property, 228
border-spacing property, 228
empty-cells property, 228
first-child and nth-child pseudo-
classes, 229
table-layout property, 228

CSS,styling content
font styles
font family, 127–29
font size, 129–31
line height, 131–32
heading hierarchy, 133–36
rendering engines, 126–27
shorthand font property, 132
style sheets, 126
styling lists
ordered lists, 138
unordered list markers, 136–37


3D transforms, 399
animation, 399
border images, 399
box-shadow property
blur radius, 377
color, 377
footer, 377–78, 378
inset, 377

multiple border effect, 379
offset shadows, 379
offset-x and offset-y, 376
recessed/cutout effect, 379
single element, 378
spread radius, 377
calc() function, 399
color gradients
center point, 394
color stop, 391
CSS rule, 394
gradient lays, 393
gradient line, 391
gradient value, 390
linear gradient, 390, 391
navigation bar, 391–92, 392
notation, 390
point of origin, 392
radial gradient, 390, 393
transparent RGBA color, 392
conditional group rules, 400
embedded fonts
font-face rule, 379, 380, 381
at-rules, 380
Embedded OpenType (EOT)
font, 381
format() value, 381
Komika display, 382
Komika Display, 383
licensing, 383
Lobster Two, 380
OpenType (OTF) font, 381
Scalable Vector Graphics
(SVG) font, 381
services, 384
TrueType (TTF) font, 381
Web Open Font Format
(WOFF) font, 381
features, 375
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