Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1

flexible box layout, 399
grid layout, 399
media queries, 396
media rule, 395
dConstruct 2012 website, 398,
font-size, 397
logical operators, 395
media features, 395–96
navigation bar, 397
wrapping links, 397
rounded corners
90-degree corners, 388
Add to Cart buttons, 389–90
background images, 386
border-radius property, 386
circular vs. elliptical rounded
corners, 387
longhand radius property, 387
property, 389
percentages, 388
rectangular box, 388
Safari and Firefox, 389
shorthand property, 386, 387
square box, 388
Webkit, 389
specification, 375
standalone modules, 375
text-shadow property, 384–85
transforms, 399
transitions, 399
vendor prefix, 375–76


Doctype. See Document type

Doctype switch, 40

Document tree, 58

Document type declaration, 38
compatibility mode, 40
compliance/strict mode, 40
doctype switch, 40
quirks mode, 40

E, F

Embedding images
align attribute, 151
alt attribute, 145, 146–50
border attribute, 151
crossorigin attribute, 146
height attribute, 146
hspace attribute, 151
ismap attribute, 146
longdesc attribute, 152
src attribute, 145
usemap and ismap attribute, 151
usemap attribute, 146
vspace attribute, 151
width and height attribute, 151
width attribute, 146
Embedding media
audio and video
audio element, 153–57
codec and formats, 152–53
plug-in, 152
source element, 160–62
track element, 162–64
video element, 157–60
background images
background-repeat property,
body element, 176
positioning, 179–82
shorthand, 182–83
canvas element, 167–73
fallback content, 168
Ghostwritter Art Studio, 170
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