Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1

charset attribute, 44, 46
content attribute, 46
definition, 43
for search engines, 45–46
http-equiv attribute, 44, 45, 46
itemprop attribute, 44
lang attribute, 44
name attribute, 44, 46
root element, 40
internationalization attributes,
manifest optional attribute, 41
script element, 54–56
async attribute, 56
body element, 57–58
charset attribute, 56
defer attribute, 56
language attribute, 56
src attribute, 56
type attribute, 56
style element, 52
CSS rules, 52
embedded/internal style sheet,
media attribute, 53
scoped attribute, 52–53, 53
title attribute, 53
type attribute, 53, 54
title element, 42–43
optional attributes, 43

HTML5, 6

elements, 6
web applications, 6

anchor element, 185
Au revoir attribute, 190–91
href attribute, 186–87, 187
hreflang attribute, 187

inline vs. block-level links, 191–
media attribute, 187
MIME type attribute, 187
placeholder hyperlink, 186
rel attribute, 187, 189–90
rev attribute, 190–91
target attribute, 187
type attribute, 191
URLs, 187–89
button-making, 200
anchor element, 201
background property, 202
caution, 202
display property, 202
text-shadow property, 202
image maps. See Image maps
styling anchors with CSS, 196
active state, pseudo-classy,
focus state, pseudo-classy,
hover state, pseudo-classy, 198
visited state, pseudo-classy,
styling image maps with CSS, 203
HyperText Markup Language
(HTML), 2
Boolean attribute, 19
focus attributes, 24
general purpose attributes, 22–
interactive attributes, 24–25
internationalization attributes,
minimized attribute, 19
comments, 35–36
content models, 20
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