Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1


HyperText Markup Language (cont.)

CSS, 9
document validation, 10–11
text-editing program, 9
web browser, 10
web site hosting, 12
block-level element, 21
components, 20
implied elements, 19
inline element, 21
nested elements, 22
void elements, 18
evolution of, 3
age of X, 4–5
WHATWG and W3C, 5–6
separating content from
presentation, 7
CSS levels, 8
presentational markup, 8
tags, 3, 17–18
URL. See Uniform Resource
Locator (URL)
web standards, 3
white space, 25–26


Image maps, 192

area element, 193
styling using CSS, 203

Information architecture, 331–32
Inline vs. block-level links, 191–92

J, K

Joint Photographic Experts Group

(JPEG), 141–42


Linking the Web. See Hyperlink
Logical sections
article element, 72–73
aside element, 75–76
footer element, 74–75
header element, 73–74
nav element, 77–78
section element, 71–72

M, N, O

Media query, 49
Metadata, 43
character encoding system, 44
charset attribute, 44, 46
content attribute, 46
definition, 43
for search engines, 45–46
http-equiv attribute, 44, 45, 46
itemprop attribute, 44
lang attribute, 44
name attribute, 44, 46
MIME type, 47–48


Page layout, CSS
box model, 298
block-level elements, 298
border, 298
borders, 300–302
content area, 299
margins and padding, 298,
floating columns
clearing floats, 309–11
floated sections, 307
floats within floats, 311–12
generated content, 313–14
opposite directions, 307
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