Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1


Sectioning content model (cont.)

CSS, styling content. See CSS,
styling content
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6, 78–
hgroup element, 80–82
dd element, 102–3
dl element, 101–2
dt element, 102
li element, 100–101
ol element, 98–100
ul element, 97–98
logical sections. See Logical
meaningful portions
address element, 86–87
blockquote element, 85–86
div element, 89–90
figcaption element, 92–94
figure element, 90–91
hr element, 88–89
iframe element, 94–97
p element, 84–85
pre element, 87–88
outlines and sectioning roots, 82–
phrasing elements
abbr element, 110–12
bdi and bdo elements, 120–22
cite element, 108–9
del and ins elements, 115–16
dfn element, 110
em and strong elements, 104–5
line breaks, 122–24
mark element, 106–7
offset text elements, 116–18

programming-related elements,
q element, 109–10
small element, 112–13
span element, 113
sup and sub elements, 118
text annotations, 118–20
time element, 105–6
special characters, 124–25
Shape and coords attributes, 194
circles, 195
polygons, 195
rectangles, 195


Tables, 205
caption element, 223–24
col element, 222–23
colgroup element, 220–22
CSS, styling. See CSS table
row group
tbody element, 216–17
tfoot element, 217–20
thead element, 214–15
tabular data, 206
td element, 208
colspan attribute, 209–10
rowspan attribute, 210–11
th element, 211
browser output, 211
scope attribute, 213–14
tr element, 207–8
The Internet, 1
Type attribute, 191
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