Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1
Chapter 3

Some of the metadata elements we’ll be covering in this chapter can’t appear anywhere else in a
document except within the head element. That’s one more good reason to include the element: it makes it
very clear where the header ends and your other content begins. You’ll see a few more examples of the
head element in this chapter as we detail the metadata elements it contains.

Required Attributes

The head element doesn’t require any attributes.

Optional Attributes

The head element doesn’t have any optional attributes.

Previous versions of HTML and XHTML had an optional profile attribute for the head
element, and its value was one or more URLs pointing to additional metadata profile
definitions that extend the metadata already inherent in HTML. The profile attribute is
obsolete in HTML5, and metadata profiles can be extended by the meta and link
elements instead (both covered in this chapter).


The title element provides a text title for the document. It appears as a child of the head element, and
there can be only one title per document. It’s also a required element; every HTML document must have
exactly one title element.
Browsers display the contents of the title element in the browser window’s title bar, and the page’s tab
in browsers that offer tabbed browsing (like Safari does in Figure 3-1). The title also acts as the default
page name when a visitor bookmarks the page or saves it as a favorite, so it should describe the page
even when read out of context.

Figure 3-1. Browsers display the contents of a title element in tabs and title bars
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