Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Document

Perhaps most significantly, the contents of a title element will appear in search engine results as the
default title for the page. A title should stand on its own in a different context, where people will read the
title before seeing the page it introduces. Good titles help people find the content they want. Think about
your titles and write them for people, not for search engines.
A title should be short, simple, easily understood, and descriptive of the page it labels:
<title>About The Company</title>
To make it stand alone better in different contexts, you can include the website’s name in addition to the
title of the single page:
<title>Power Outfitters Superhero Costume and Supply Co. - About Us</title>
Or, to be a bit more readable and put the most relevant information up front, include the single page title
before the site name:
<title>About Us - Power Outfitters Superhero Costume and Supply Co.</title>
If your website is organized in a multi-level hierarchy, as many sites are, the title element can reflect
that structure to help orient your visitors:
<title>Model MDTS40 / Domino Masks / Masks and Cowls / Power Outfitters</title>
If the main feature of your particular web page is a self-contained article or a blog post, the title element
should carry the title or headline of the article:
<title>Earth Nations Join Forces to Resist Invaders from Space! | Daily Globe</title>
The title element can only appear as a child of the head element and nowhere else, and it can only
contain text; no other elements are allowed within a title. This element belongs to the metadata content
model (as most of these header elements do) and always requires both a start tag and an end tag.

Required Attributes

There aren’t any required attributes for the title element.

Optional Attributes

The title element doesn’t offer any optional attributes.


The term metadata is often defined as “data about data.” The HTML meta element carries information
about the document itself, such as who created it, when it was published, or what software generated it. A
meta element can also give special instructions to user-agents and web servers for how to handle the
document, such as what set of characters to use for rendering the text, or how long the page should be
stored in a browser’s cache. It’s a void element that holds no contents and has no end tag, but you can
close it with a trailing slash (/>) if you prefer XHTML syntax. This element isn’t rendered on the page itself
and isn’t seen by users at all (unless they view the source HTML, of course).
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