Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

(Steven Felgate) #1
Constructing Content

Figure 4-9. A lightly styled figure and its caption

A figure element can contain any flow content, and so might actually consist of several elements that act
together as one figure with a single figcaption. To take it a step further, a figure could even hold
several nested figure elements, each with its own caption, such as the collection of images you see in
Listing 4-19. Any one figure element can still only have one child figcaption. All of the nested figure
elements together act as one figure, described by a single figcaption. Here the inner captions come
after the content they describe, but the group caption appears before its figure content.

Listing 4-19. Multiple figures, each with its own caption, collected as a single figure with another figcaption to
describe the group

A few of our most popular domino mask designs

Model MDTS40
“The Colt”

Model MDMV77
“The Danvers”

Model MDDC59
“The Jordan”

With a bit of added styling, that markup can look something like Figure 4-10.

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