The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

while building the immune system. This explains why happy
people rarely get sick and miserable but complaining people
often seem to be ill.

Laughing Till You Cry

Laughter and crying are closely linked from a psychological
and physiological standpoint. Think of the last time someone
told you a joke that made you buckle up with laughter and you
could hardly control yourself. How did you feel afterwards?
You felt a tingling sensation all over, right? Your brain released
endorphins into your system that gave you what was once
described as a 'natural high' and is the same experience that
drug addicts get when they take dope. People who have trouble
with laughing at the tough things in life often turn to drugs
and alcohol to achieve the same feeling that endorphin-
induced laughter produces. Alcohol loosens inhibitions and
lets people laugh more, which releases endorphins. This is why
most well-adjusted people laugh more when they drink
alcohol, while unhappy people become even more despondent
or even violent.

People drink alcohol and take drugs to try to feel
how happy people feel normally.

Paul Ekman found that one of the reasons we are attracted to
smiling and laughing faces is because they can actually affect
our autonomic nervous system. We smile when we see a
smiling face and this releases endorphins into our system. If
you are surrounded by miserable, unhappy people you are also
likely to mirror their expressions and become morose or

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