The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

The Down-Mouth expression can become a permanent
facial feature. Our intuition tells us to stay away from those
with a Down-Mouth expression.

Smiling Advice For Women

Research by Marvin Hecht and Marianne La France from
Boston University has revealed how subordinate people smile
more in the presence of dominant and superior people, in both
friendly and unfriendly situations, whereas superior people
will smile only around subordinate people in friendly situa-
This research shows that women smile far more than men in
both social and business situations, which can make a woman
appear to be subordinate or weak in an encounter with
unsmiling men. Some people claim that women's extra smiling
is the result of women historically being placed by men into
subordinate roles, but other research shows that by the age of
eight weeks, baby girls smile far more than baby boys, so it's
probably inborn as opposed to learned. The likely explanation
is that smiling fits neatly into women's evolutionary role as
pacifiers and nurturers. It doesn't mean a woman can't be as
authoritative as a man; but the extra smiling can make her
look less authoritative.

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