The Definitive Book of Body Language

(nextflipdebug2) #1
Arm Signals

How the Rich and Famous Reveal
their Insecurity

People who are continually exposed to others, such as royalty,
politicians, television personalities and movie stars, usually
don't want their audiences to detect that they are nervous or
unsure of themselves. They prefer to project a cool, calm, con-
trolled attitude when on display, but their anxiety or
apprehension leaks out in disguised forms of arm-crossing. As
in all arm-cross gestures, one arm swings across in front of the
body towards the other arm but instead of the arms crossing,
one hand touches or holds on to a handbag, bracelet, watch,'
shirt cuff or object on or near their other arm. Once again the
barrier is formed and the secure feeling is achieved.

Famous people are just
as nervous in public as
the rest of us

Men wearing cufflinks are often
seen adjusting them as they cross
a room or dance floor where they
are in full view of others. The
Cuff-Link-Adjust is the trade-
mark of Prince Charles, who uses
it to give himself a feeling of
security any time he walks across
an open space in full view of

Prince Charles' Cuff-Link-Adjust
revealing his insecurities

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