The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

Wrist-and-arm-gripping behind the back can often be
observed outside a courtroom when warring parties are face to
face, in salespeople standing in a customer's reception area
and in patients waiting for a doctor. It's an attempt to disguise
nervousness or self-restraint and, if you catch yourself doing
it, change to the Palm-in-Palm behind the back and you will
begin to feel more confident and in control.

Thumb Displays

As mentioned earlier, thumbs denote superiority. In palmistry,
the thumbs represent strength of character and the ego, and
body language signals involving the thumbs also show self-
important attitudes. Thumbs are used to display dominance,
assertiveness or sometimes aggressive attitudes; thumb ges-
tures are secondary gestures and are usually part of a cluster.
Thumb displays are positive signals, often used in the typical
pose of the 'cool' individual who uses them to show superior-
ity. A man will use Protruding Thumbs around women to
whom he is attracted and people who wear high-status or pres-
tige clothing also display their thumbs. You will rarely see a
low-status individual, such as a vagrant, doing it.

The Waistcoat Thruster

Thumb displayers also often rock on the balls of their feet to
give the impression of extra height.

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