The Definitive Book of Body Language

(nextflipdebug2) #1
The Eyebrow Flash

This gesture is a long-distance 'hello' greeting signal which has
been used everywhere since ancient times. The Eyebrow Flash
is universal and is also used by monkeys and apes as a social
greeting signal, confirming that it's an inborn gesture. The
eyebrows rise rapidly for a split second and then drop again
and its purpose is to draw attention to the face so that clear
signals can be exchanged. The only culture that doesn't use it
is the Japanese, where it's considered improper or impolite and
has definite sexual connotations.

The Eyebrow Flash

This is an unconscious signal that acknowledges the other
Person's presence and is probably linked to the fear reaction of
being surprised, or saying, 'I'm surprised and afraid of you',
which translates to 'I acknowledge you and am not threaten-
ing'. We don't Eyebrow Flash strangers we pass in the street or
People we don't like, and people who don't give the Eyebrow
Flash on initial greeting are perceived as potentially aggressive.
Try this simple test and you'll discover first hand the power of
the Eyebrow Flash — sit in the lobby of a hotel and Eyebrow
Flash everyone who goes past. You'll see that not only do
others return the Flash and smile, many will come over and

Eye Signals

where the ape is looking or whether they have been spotted,
giving the ape a greater chance of hunting success.

Humans are the only primates with
pronounced whites of the eye.
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