The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

begin to talk to you. The golden rule is always Eyebrow Flash
people you like or those who you want to like you.

Eye Widening

Lowering the eyebrows is how humans show dominance or
aggression towards others, whereas raising the eyebrows shows
submission. Keating & Keating found that several species of
apes and monkeys use exactly the same gestures for the same
purpose. They also found that people who intentionally raise
their eyebrows are perceived as submissive by both humans and
apes, and that those who lower them are perceived as aggressive.
In Why Men Lie & Women Cry (Orion) we showed how
women widen their eyes by raising their eyebrows and eyelids
to create the 'baby face' appearance of a small infant. This has
a powerful effect on men by releasing hormones into the brain,
which stimulate the desire to protect and defend females.
Women pluck and redraw their eyebrows higher up the fore-
head to appear more submissive because, on a subconscious
level at least, they know it appeals to men. If men trim their
eyebrows they do it from the top of the eyebrow down to make
their eyes appear narrower and more authoritative.

High-placed eyebrows gave Marilyn Monroe a submissive appearance while
low-set eyebrows gave James Cagney his aggressive look and JFK's turned-in
eyebrows made him appear both authoritative and concerned
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