The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

Extended Blinking is an unconscious attempt by the person's
brain to block you from their sight because they've become
bored or disinterested or feel they're superior to you. It's as if
their brain can no longer tolerate dealing with you so their
eyes shut for two to three seconds or longer to wipe you from
sight and remain closed as the person momentarily removes
you from his mind.

Shutting you out

Superior types may also tilt their head back to give you a 'long
look', commonly known as 'looking down one's nose'; this is
also done by a person who feels that their importance is not
being noticed. This is mainly a Western cultural gesture and a
speciality of English people who feel they are upper-class. If you
see this happening during a conversation, it's a signal that you're
not doing well and that a new tack is needed. If you believe the
person is simply arrogant, try this: when they've closed their
eyes for the third or fourth time, quickly step a pace to your left
or right. When their eyelids lift again, it gives the illusion that
you've disappeared and materialised in another place and this
can really rattle them. If the person also starts snoring, you can
safely assume that your communication has failed.

Darting Eyes

When the eyes dart from side to side it can look as if the
person is checking out the activity in the room but the reality
is that the brain is searching for escape routes (just as happens

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