The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

Next, step forward with your right leg, moving across in front
of the person and into his personal space. Finally, bring your
left leg across to your right leg to complete the manoeuvre (see
below), and shake the person's hand. This tactic allows you to
straighten the handshake or even turn it over into the submis-
sive position. It feels as if you're walking across in front of him
and is the equivalent of winning an arm-wrestling bout. It also
allows you to take control by invading his personal space.

Walk across in front with your right leg
and turn his palm up

Analyse your own approach to shaking hands and notice
whether you step forward on your left or right foot when
you extend your arm to shake hands. Most people are right
footed and are therefore at a disadvantage when they receive a
dominant handshake because they have little room to move
and it allows the other person to dominate. Practise stepping
into a handshake with your left foot and you will find that it
is easier to deal with the power players who would try to
control you.

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