The Definitive Book of Body Language

(nextflipdebug2) #1
The Power Is in Your Hands

suffer from a condition called hyperhydrosis, which is a
genetic condition that causes chronic sweating. It's wise to
carry tissues or a handkerchief for mop-up strategies before
any bout of handshaking.

The Wet Fish

The palms have more sweat glands than any other part of the
body, which is why sweaty palms become so obvious. Surpris-
ingly, many people who use the Wet Fish are unaware they do
it so it's wise to ask your friends to comment on your hand-
shake style before deciding what you'll use in future meetings.

2.The Vice
Credibility Rating: 4/10.
This quietly persuasive style is a favourite of men in business
and reveals a desire to dominate and assume early control of
the relationship or put people in their place. The palm is pre-
sented in the down position with one sharp downward pump
followed by two or three vigorous return strokes and a grip
that can even stop blood flow to the hand. Sometimes it will be
used by a person who feels weak and fears they will be domi-
nated by others.

The Vice
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