The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

  1. The Bone-Crusher
    Credibility Rating: 0/10.
    A second cousin to the Vice, the Bone-Crusher is the most
    feared of all handshakes as it leaves an indelible memory on
    the recipient's mind and fingers and impresses no one other
    than the initiator. The Bone-Crusher is the trademark of the
    overly aggressive personality who, without warning, seizes the
    early advantage and attempts to demoralise his opponent by
    grinding his knuckles to a smooth paste. If you are female,
    avoid wearing rings on your right hand in business encounters
    as the Bone-Crusher can draw blood and leave you to open
    your business dealings in a state of shock.

The Bone-Crusher

Unfortunately, there are no effective ways to counter it. If you
believe someone has done it on purpose, you could bring it to
everyone's attention by saying, 'Ouch! That really hurt my
hand. Your grip is too strong.' This puts the advocate of the
Bone-Crusher on notice not to repeat the behaviour.

  1. The Finger-Tip Grab
    Credibility Rating: 2/10.
    A common occurrence in male—female greetings, the Finger-
    Tip Grab is a handshake that missed the mark and the user
    mistakenly grabs the other person's fingers. Even though the
    initiator may seem to have an enthusiastic attitude towards the
    receiver, he in fact lacks confidence in himself. In these cir-
    cumstances, the main aim of the Finger-Tip Grab is to keep

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