The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

These people will even lean forward or balance on one foot to
keep their distance when delivering a Stiff-Arm Thrust.

  1. The Socket-Wrencher
    Credibility Rating: 3/10.
    A popular choice of power players and common cause of
    watering eyes and, in extreme cases, torn ligaments. This is the
    father of the Bent-Arm-Pull-In, and involves forcefully grip-
    ping the receiver's outstretched palm, then simultaneously
    applying a sharp reverse thrust, attempting to drag the receiver
    into the initiator's territory. This results in loss of balance and
    gets the relationship off on the wrong foot.

The Socket-Wrencher

Pulling the receiver into the initiator's territory can mean one
of three things: first, the initiator is an insecure type who feels
safe only within his own personal space; second, the initiator
is from a culture that has smaller space needs; or third, he
wants to control you by pulling you off balance. Either way, he
wants the encounter to be on his terms.

7.The Pump Handle
Credibility Rating: 4/10.
With strong rural overtones, the pumper grabs the hand of the
pumpee and commences an energetic and rhythmic series of
rapid vertical strokes.
While up to seven pumps is acceptable, some pumpers con-
tinue to pump uncontrollably as if they are trying to draw
water from the pumpee.

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