The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Magic of Smiles and Laughter

This smile made men want to protect her, and made women
want to be like her. Not surprisingly, this smile is a regular in
men's courtship repertoire for attracting men as it's read by
as seductive and is a powerful 'come-on' signal. This is
the same smile now used by Prince William, which not only
has the effect of winning people's affection, it also reminds

them of Diana.

5.The George W Bush Grin
President George W Bush always has a permanent smirk on his
face. Ray Birdwhistell found that smiling among middle-class
people is most common in Atlanta, Louisville, Memphis,
Nashville and most of Texas. Bush is a Texan and they smile
more than most other Americans. As a result, in Texas, an
unsmiling individual might be asked if he was 'angry about
something', while in New York, the smiler might be asked,
'What's so funny?' President Jimmy Carter was also a South-
erner who smiled all the time. This worried the Northerners
who feared that he knew something they didn't.

Smile constantly. Everyone will
wonder what you've been up to.

Why Laughter Is the Best Medicine

As with smiling, when laughter is incorporated as a permanent
part of who you are, it attracts friends, improves health and
extends life. When we laugh, every organ in the body is affected
a positive way. Our breathing quickens, which exercises the
diaphragm, neck, stomach, face and shoulders. Laughter
creases the amount of oxygen in the blood, which not only
helps healing and improves circulation, it also expands the
blood vessels close to the skin's surface. This is why people go
in the face when they laugh. It can also lower the heart rate,
dilate the arteries, stimulate the appetite and burn up calories.

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