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(Ron) #1

Profits aside, there are many, many reasons why your business needs to go
green. Here are five that even your kids will agree make sense. To go green is to

Differentiate yourself from the competition
Create major customer satisfaction

Improve your reputation
Meet andcreate demands for green products

Do the right thing

In addition, creating green environments and green buildings provides lots of
benefits for lots of different groups of people. Here are just a few examples
of how going green benefits multiple parties, beyond just employees and

Local environments benefit from

Greenhouse gas reduction
Improved water quality

Improved air quality
Solid waste reduction

Organizations benefit from

Lower waste disposal cost

Safer and healthier working environments
Reduced use of materials

Unique marketing potential

Cities benefit from

Enhancements to existing recycling programs for increased value
Demonstrated environmental leadership

Preservation of local quality of life

Owners and residents benefit from

Lower utility bills
Healthier/more productive living and working environments

Reduced maintenance costs
Increased resale value

Preferential mortgages

Chapter 9: Making Your Company Environmentally Friendly 163

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