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(Ron) #1

Chapter 13

Sustainability and Corporate

Social Responsibility

In This Chapter

A brief history of sustainability

Why the current approach is a mess

Some approaches to automation


ustainability, long a mantra of environmentalists, has now firmly entered
the vocabulary of the business world. Simply put, sustainability means
meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means that companies see the chal-
lenges of sustainability and realize that as a company, they have the responsi-
bility to do something about that. CSR integrates social and environmental
concerns into business operations and relationships with shareholders. Some-
times people refer to this concept as “corporate citizenship” or “corporate
responsibility.” All of these terms carry the same basic meaning: corporations
must worry about more than bottom line profits. Now they must consider
their environmental and social impact. This is often called “triple bottom line

What’s the triple bottom line? We’re not going to abandon that first most pop-
ular bottom line (you know, the one about moolah), but now it’s more complex.
The triple bottom lineincludes three essential elements:


Environmental impact
Social impact

How is your company going to practice CSR? That’s where corporate sustain-
ability comes in. It’s a management philosophy that meets present goals for
profits and growth without jeopardizing the company’s future — and that
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