Levirate Marriage and the Family in Ancient Judaism
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- Phyllis Trible, God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality (Minneapolis: Fortress
Press, 198), 19.
4. Davies, “Inheritance Rights, Part ,” 63 – 6.
- Davies, “Inheritance Rights, Part ,” 61. Davies does not regard the ritual
described in Deut. 5 as punishment.
4. Meyers, “The Family in Early Israel,” 3.
- Meyers, “The Family in Early Israel,” 1; Blenkinsopp, “The Family in First
Temple Israel,” 5.
- Naomi Steinberg, Kinship and Marriage in Genesis (Minneapolis: Fortress
Press, 1993 ), 1 – 14.
- Meyers, “The Family in Early Israel,” 36 ; Blenkinsopp, “The Family in First
Temple Israel,” 59.
- Meyers, “The Family in Early Israel,” 1 – .
4. Meyers, “The Family in Early Israel,” 31.
- The vulnerability of widows in Israelite society is attested to in the many
biblical exhortations to care for widows and orphans.
- Blenkinsopp, “The Family in First Temple Israel,” 88 – 9.
5. Blenkinsopp, “The Family in First Temple Israel,” 9 – 9; Meyers, “The
Family in Early Israel,”1 – 19.
- Blenkinsopp, “The Family in First Temple Israel,” 64.
5. Gen. 15 : – 3 ; 3: 1 – ; I Sam. 1.
- For prayer, see Gen. 5:1 and I Sam. 1 :1ff.; for surrogacy, Gen. 16 : 1 – ;
3: 3 ff.
- Gen. 15 : – 3 and Num. , respectively.
- Num. 36 : 5 – 9 and Lev. 5:5, respectively.
- Philo, Special Laws, II, 14, cited in Samuel Belkin, “Levirate and Agnate
Marriage in Rabbinic and Cognate Literature,” Jewish Quarterly Review 6 (April
19 ), 94 – 95.
5. Josephus, Antiquities, 4 : 8 :3 (54), cited in Belkin, “Levirate and Agnate
Marriage,” 33 – 34.
- Josephus, Antiquities, 4 : 8 :3 (54), cited in Belkin, “Levirate and Agnate
Marriage,” 33 – 34.
- The Testament of Zebulon, III, 4 – 5 , in R. H. Charles, The Testaments of the
Twelve Patriarchs (London: Adam and Charles Black, 19 8), 114.
6. The Testament of Judah, X, 1 – 6 , in Charles, The Testaments of the Twelve
Patriarchs, 8. Tamar is described in The Testament of Judah as “a daughter of
Aram.” This pedigree serves a dual purpose; it explains Judah’s wife’s antipathy
toward Tamar, a non-Canaanite, and makes her a more suitable sexual partner
for a member of the patriarchal family.
- The Testament of Judah, XII, 8 , in Charles, The Testaments of the Twelve Pa-
triarchs, 8.
6. The Testament of Judah, VIII, 3 in Charles, The Testaments of the Twelve
Patriarchs, 8.
- Mark 1: 19 – 5; Matthew :4 – 3; Luke :8 – 35.
- As we shall see in Chapter 4 , the rabbis’ definition of “potential parents”
is an optimistic one, encompassing individuals who might, in fact, be less than
likely to produce biological offspring.
- M. Yev. : 3.
- M. Yev. : 5 – 6.
6. M. Yev. 4 : 1 – .
- M. Yev. 4 :1.