Levirate Marriage and the Family in Ancient Judaism

(Darren Dugan) #1
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Family (continued)
roles in, 47, 52–58; and inheritance,
79–82, 95; kinship structures
and terminology, 10, 48–50,
52–58, 83–96, 219n118; levirate’s
impact on, xviii, xx, 45–48, 93–95,
120–21, 204–5; and marriage, 8,
66–69; modern changes, xv–xvi;
mourning laws, 73–76, 93–94,
226n99; nation as, 99–100; rabbinic
perspective, xvi–xvii, 44, 95, 128,
195–97, 204; testimony laws, 76–79,
101, 218n91; vs. Torah scholarship,
203; yevama’s ambiguous
relationship to, 132, 161–64. See
also Extended family; Incest
taboos; Nuclear family
Family of origin: claim on yevama’s
property, 132–33, 143, 146–47;
defining, 47, 74; interest in levirate
decision, 162; married woman’s
relationship to, xvi, 6, 48, 75–76,
200; widow’s access to, 9, 11, 13, 46,
161, 171
Father: beit av (the father’s house),
48; genitor vs. pater, 19–21; as
inheritor, 81; Judah in Genesis 38
narrative, 28, 38, 98, 123; lack of
legal authority over sons, 196–97;
as levir instead of brother, 28, 29;
obligations to family, xvi, 175–76;
teacher-student vs. father-son
relationship, 203–4, 215n26,
230n25; women as legal “fathers”
of children, 20
Financial issues. See Economic issues
Fox, Robin, 47
Fraternal relationships: defining,
99–100, 102, 105; dwelling together,
xviii, 27, 43, 101, 196, 201; eligibility
of brothers for levirate, 104–5, 107;
in Hebrew Bible, 99–101, 102; ideal
vs. real, xix; and inheritance, 27,
109–13, 122, 173–75; and obligation
of levirate, 38; potential conflict
in, 18, 98, 100, 107–10, 112–13;
precedence of brothers in levirate,
107, 174–75; in rabbinic literature,
101–13. See also Deceased brother/
husband; Levir
Full vs. half brothers, 99

Gamaliel, Rabban, 134, 152
Gemara. See Talmud, Babylonian;
Talmud, Palestinian
Genealogy, rabbinic concern with,
202–3, 230n20
Generational model of family, 77–79,
88, 93
Genesis 38: birth of child as central to
levirate’s success, 167; and brother
definition, 102; vs. Deuteronomy
and Ruth, 29–30, 32, 33–36;
extended family’s role in levirate,
161; father’s role in levirate, 98;
influence on rabbinic literature,
43–44; levirate preference of, 133;
and levirate union vs. marriage,
119; and levir’s position, 97, 100;
and origins of levirate, 28–30;
overview, xix; social status of
yevama, 123; and Testament of
Judah, 38
Genitor vs. pater, 19–21
Ghost marriage, 4, 16, 20, 185,
Gis, 56, 57
Gittin, 55
Goody, Jack, 19, 183
Gospels, levirate mention in, 39
Greco-Roman culture:
discouragement of levirate, 187;
epiclerate, x xiv, 185; influence on
Jewish family, x xiv–x xv; marriage
and kinship in, x xii, 43, 67, 207n2;
strategies of continuity in, 186
Greenspahn, Frederick, 211n9
Guilt offering for uncertain paternity
situation, 177
Half vs. full brothers, 99
Halitza: biblical perspective, xvii–xix,
25–26, 42, 99, 117–19, 198; for
brothers married to sisters
situation, 108–9; continuity of, 34;
for co-wives, 64–65; as divorce-
like procedure, 41, 128, 139;
evolution of, 34, 38, 117–19; and
forbidden relationship prior to
deceased’s passing, 61; levir’s role
in, 117–19, 137, 152–54, 225n86;
and precedence of brothers, 107;
property disposition after, 111–12,
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