Language and the Internet

(Martin Jones) #1

Index of topics 265

maxims of communication, 48–61, 79, 98,
132, 170
meaning, semantic, 121
MediaMOO, 174
medium of Netspeak, 24–61, 74–6, 92, 149,
memory, group, 166
memos, 100, 125
digests, 134
history, 117
in chatgroups, 133–4
instant (Unix), 151
of an e-mailseebody content
metacommunicative minimalism, 25, 41,
metadiscussions, 71–2, 134, 170, 189
metaflaming, 56
metahumour, 170
metaworlds, 13
Metcalfe’s Law, 220
midcaps, 87–8
MIME, 124
minority languages, 219–21
misquotation, 120
misspellingseespelling, mistakes
mobile phones, 220, 226, 228–31
moderated groups, 12, 54, 56,
152, 163
moderators, 71, 130, 132–4, 146, 175,
183–4, 206
monologue, 148, 184
monosyllabic words, 157
Monty Python,53
MOOs, 13, 15, 54
genres, 174–5
seealso ElseMOO; LambdaMOO;
virtual worlds
Mori/Lycos surveys, 229
morphing, 201
morphology of nicknames, 161
morphs, 175
Morse, 219
Motorola, 230
movement on screen, 196, 201
movies, 228
MUCKs, 13, 173
MUD Object OrientatedseeMOOs

MUDs, 12–13, 36, 167, 171–94, 219
genres, 173–4
idiosyncrasy, 60, 189
size, 176–7, 186–7
see alsovirtual worlds
MUGs, 174
Multilingual Glossary of Internet
Terminology, 223
multilingualism, 17, 166, 227
on the Web, 216–23
multimedia, 12, 46, 191
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension,
multi-tasking, 163
multi-user domains/dimensions/dungeons
MUSEs, 13, 173
MUSHes, 13, 173
mutter command, 178
creativity on the Web, 240
practices in chatgroups, 159–62
preferences in e-mails, 101–2, 106
narrative style, 181–2
native vs non-native speaker e-mail style,
navigation, 57, 202
neologisms, 65–70, 75, 82–6, 89, 230
nesting, 120
Net generation, 6
netiquette, 52, 71–3, 98, 154–6, 168,
175–6, 206
netizens, 3–4
Netlish, 17
Netspeak, 17–23
abbreviations, 84–6, 229
acquisition, 241
as a new medium, 48, 241–2
common core, 61, 62–93
compared to speech and writing, 41–8
corpora, 192–4
features, 81–93
inclusive view, 79–80
linguistic identity, 62–93, 198
manners, 52
maxims, 48–61
medium, 24–61, 74–6, 92, 149, 238–42
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