(Frankie) #1

Cognitive abilities (G, V, N) are more useful in anticipating positive results in learning
(in school) and training, than in work competence.

Psychomotor abilities (K, F, M) are more useful in anticipating work competence.

Perceptive abilities (P, Q, S) seem to correlate in a balanced manner both types of
criteria (positive results in learning and training, work competence).

GATB is a very practical tool of psychological evaluation used in counselling and
workforce placement because of the following advantages it brings: rather short
administration time, facile scoring, leading to a complex and stable aptitude image of the
client, operative interpretation of the data needed for entering the labour market, etc.

The main critical observations / disadvantages regarding GATB (according to Anastasi,
1988) target the following aspects: all tests are performance tests and have limited
duration, do not cover in a satisfactory manner the range of aptitudes important in work
activities, reasoning and mechanical aptitudes are undervalued or inadequately measured,
the differentiating value of the battery is relatively low.

We further mention that administrating the subtests in pre-established time frames may
leave out or underrating certain performances in some clients (slow, timid, meticulous or
illiterate of psychological tests), and that the length itself of the battery might discourage
insufficiently motivated people from pursuing with the entire test. This last aspect pleads
for a preliminary interview and preparing / motivating clients for the tests battery.


Anastasi, Anne (1976). Psychological Testing. New York, MacMillan Publishing Co. Inc.

Bezanson, Lynne; Monsebraaten, Arthur; Pigeon, Richard (1990). Using Tests in
Employment Counseling. Canada, Employment and Immigration.

Cottle, W. C. (1968). Interest and Personality Inventories. Boston, Houghton-Mifflin.

Crocker, L.; Algina, J. (1986). Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory. New
York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Guide to the use of GATB (1952). U.S. Employment Service, Washington.

Mitrofan, Nicolae; Mitrofan, Laurenţiu (2005). Testarea psihologică. Inteligen ţa şi
aptitudinile. Iaşi, Polirom. Seria Collegium. Psihologie.

Tyler, Leona E. (1971). Tests and Measurement. NJ: Prentice Hall Inc.

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