(Frankie) #1

concurrent to establish whether scores
allow an estimate of current

applying inventory and
obtaining direct measure of
targeted performance, making
a comparison
convergent to verify if scales (of the tests,
inventories) are linked to other
similar ones with the same
theoretical fundament

assessing the degree in which
the scales are correlated with
similar ones regarding the
theoretical approach


discriminative to verify if scales (of the tests,
inventories) are different from
similar ones in different

assessing the degree in which
the scales are correlated with
similar ones from different
theoretical approach

  • objectivity: refers to that quality of the test that allows for similar results
    with different operators (tests relatively “immune” to the subjectivity of the
    score-marker are multiple-choice questions, such as true / false or
    pre-formulated answers);

  • the practical value of the test refers to its appropriateness in everyday
    psychological evaluation: economical (re-usable materials: grid format, the
    test itself, apparatus, textbooks, answer sheets), reduced duration of
    application, easy to understand by subjects of the filling-out instructions,
    quick scoring and straightforward interpretation pathways).

In general, the authors of professional psychological assessment instruments offer along
with the test all the data regarding the characteristics of the population on which the
scoring standards were elaborated (gender, age, education, etc.), as well as statistical
information and commentaries considered to be relevant with respect to the main quality
features of the tests (reliability, validity, etc.).

As regards the people whom are subjected to psychological tests, inventories,
questionnaires, etc., the counsellor performs the assessment in order to find out what they
can do (due to their innate personal qualities or prior learning) and what they would like
to do (interests, motivation, attitudes). The relationship between these aspects of the
individual’s personality is a different matter: both components are, reciprocally, the
necessary but insufficient conditions to ensure success in the workplace. We should
mention here that when we speak of work in the broad sense we mean activities that can
be mostly manual / physical or intellectual, carried out in order to make an income or
other kinds of material, moral or financial compensation for the effort made or the time
consumed. Among the categories of activities targeted and that qualify as work are: in
state or private institutions and enterprises, at home, voluntary / charitable, learning and
training activities, etc.

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