(Frankie) #1

  • it highlights important information on the applicant, on his or her professional
    training and experience in agreement with the requirements of the desired

  • it allows practicing presentation in a favourable manner without going into
    details, in order to get employers’ curiosity;

  • it ensures control of the situation for an applicant, unlike an interview;

  • contributes to an efficient personal management and increases the chances of
    getting a position, if adequately drawn up.

Chronological CV

  • insists on continuity elements in the professional experience of an applicant.

Functional CV

  • underlines a client’s professional and intellectual qualities and is efficient in
    case of people who want to change fields or jobs;

  • allows an employer to rapidly ascertain whether an applicant has the
    appropriate competence for the position;

  • it is useful in case the applicant has held many similar positions, since it
    allows a synthesis of his or her “occupational history”, avoiding the repetitive
    information on professional experience.

Combined CV

  • presents professional experience;

  • also insists on qualities and their usefulness in the new position.

Application forms

  • facilitates the information management through filling out clearly delimited
    sections and is a model for intelligible data organization.

Electronic CV

  • reaches the recipient quickly, at a low cost;

  • less perishable than the classic CV (printed on paper);

  • by registering on a specialized human resource website, the CV will be
    viewed by multiple employers.

Some disadvantages:

  • the difficulty to choose a certain type of CV according to the purpose one has
    in mind;

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