(Frankie) #1

examinations and support the educational and professional (re)orientation of young
people and adults.

With the development of adult training institutions, new counselling and guidance
practices appeared, and the notion of competence was frequently used to describe
knowledge, aptitudes, and capacities. It is defined in literature as a validated operational
modality of knowing how to act – “savoir agir”, how to do – “savoir faire” (Le Boterf,
1994, apud Guichard, Huteau, 2001). The competence concept has characteristics such as:

  • refers to concrete situations;

  • is purpose-oriented;

  • underlines the acquired nature of qualification;

  • is more precise than aptitude or capacity;

  • helps with flexibility in the management of human resources.

Competence screening was first used in the field of vocational training and then in
education and management of personnel. At present, the staff development and
management competence have become central in any organization. The prospective
management of competence is a strategic mission evaluating the employees’ competence
with a view to ensuring adequate training or recruiting. Companies using
competence-screening turn to the best account human resources and promote career
management to the benefit of employers and employees.

In Inter-Institutional Competence Screening Centres (CIBC) in France, activities focus on
career counselling and competence evaluation for adults who want to discover their own
abilities, knowledge, professional and personal aptitudes. The centre’s staff is made of
psychologists, career counsellors, management consultants, and other specialists. The
beneficiaries of competence screening become aware of the need to capitalize on
knowledge, aptitudes, and other personal qualities that are thus regrouped and used in
further negotiations so as to obtain a (new and better) job. CIBC works in partnership
with educational, employment institutions, the Chambers of Commerce, unions,
continuing training providers. CIBC also includes resource centres for career counsellors;
carry out research projects, elaborate studies or run programs to enhance the exchange of
practice or expertise for the increase of service quality.

Method presentation

Competence screening is a way of evaluating clients’ personal and professional potential
in view of new projects to entering the social and professional life. The main objectives
of competence screening refer to the analysis of personal and professional competences
as well as of aptitudes and motivations, with a view to clarifying a professional or

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