(Frankie) #1
As sub-stages of the investigation stage, we observe:
 self-exploration, as a process of analysing the subject’s
competences, interests, and values, followed by the outlining of a
professional or training project,
 setting the extent to which the project is adequate to the social and
economic reality (feasibility test) and compiling an inventory of the
resources needed to accomplish the aims,
 defining the conditions of the project;

  • conclusion:
     the beneficiary is given the results of the investigation in the form of
    a document / synthesis report, and discusses it with the counsellor,
     the counsellor insists on the positive aspects, the strengths which
    will support the implementation of the project,
     the personal / professional project and the means to carry it out are
    discussed with the counsellor.

Throughout each stage of competence screening, the objectives are formulated, possibly
readjusted by the counsellor together with the beneficiary. In the first and last stage,
sessions / interviews are organized individually, while the investigation stage can be
carried out in a group.

The synthesis report is handed to the beneficiary and cannot be used by other person
without the formers consent. According to the Code of Labour in France, this document
refers to the following aspects (apud Bjornavold, 2001):

  • the circumstances of screening: information on the applicant, and the
    conditions of screening;

  • competences and aptitudes of the beneficiary, and evolution perspectives;

  • components of the professional and training project;

  • the stages for each project.

The Centre for Industrial Higher Education in France proposes a screening that includes
five meetings in two months. As main stages we mention:

  • clarification of current professional situation;

  • analysis of clients’ professional competence;

  • analysis of clients’ interests;

  • comparing beneficiaries’ profiles with the characteristics of jobs they are
    interested in;

  • presentation and discussion of results.

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