(Frankie) #1
in careers based on: communication, tourism,
services, international relations

  • Her current qualifications allow her to take up
    higher education

  • Sufficient motivation and will for baccalaureate
    and faculty admission exams

  • Lives close to the capital city, in an area
    favourable to study

  • Numerous friends, relations and connections in
    the community

    • Limited financial possibilities

    • Insufficient grants available in the
      chosen specialization

    • Distance between home and faculty
      involves commuting or renting a
      place, therefore additional costs

Second stage: Identifying strategies

SWOT analysis for this client allows the identification of the following strategic

SO Strategy: In the desire of pursuing with her education, the client is aware that
her background, aptitudes and the educational offer of the faculty chosen allows
her to take up higher education. She can apply an offensive mobilization strategy
in order to go through the subsequent examinations (baccalaureate and faculty
WO Strategy : In individual counselling sessions the client will practice
emotional control strategies in order to defeat timidity under stress and increase
her self-confidence. She will learn to appreciate herself correctly and cultivate
transferable aptitudes (e.g. communication) by exam simulation techniques.
ST Strategy : the realistic appreciation of her own strengths, self-confidence and
thorough study for exams are ways to counteract the outside dangers: competition
of colleagues in the admission exam, low financial possibilities (scholarship),
distance from home (student hostel).
WT Strategy : the client will not need defensive strategies (min-min) unless she
fails (highly unlikely), then the initial strategic plan will be reconsidered.

Third stage: Deliberation, decision-making and development of an action plan

The client will have to choose between the alternatives open to her after graduation. She
is interested for a career in tourism, communication, public relations, literature, services,
or journalism. For this she must choose where to go: International Economic Relations (at
The Academy of Economic Studies), Social Communication and Public Relations (at The
Faculty of Letters, in The University of Bucharest), the Faculty of Internal and
International Tourism (The Romanian-American University), The Faculty of Journalism
(at The “Hyperion” University, Bucharest). She finally decided to enrol to the first two
faculties (state universities, no tuition fee) with different admission exam dates. (The case

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