study is real, the client was admitted with a scholarship in both faculties and must later
decide if she is able to cope with both).
Example 2: The Municipal Centre of Psycho-pedagogical Assistance
First stage: Analysing the four factors*
Strengths Weaknesses
- Competence, professionalism and enthusiasm
of the counselling practitioners - Sources of finance: education budget and
self-funding - Extended network of counselling offices in
Bucharest schools - The success of programmes initiated and
accomplished by the centre - New projects under development
- Services and activities meeting the client
needs- Not a legal entity
- No adequate space for counselling
activities - Separating the venues for counselling
services and secretariat - Insufficient communication means with
individual clients and institutions
Opportunities Threats
- Support from the local authority in education
- Legal and financial support from the Ministry
of Education in order to extend the network
of school counselling offices - Methodological coordination and scientific
assistance from the Institute of Educational
Sciences - Collaboration for continuing training and
development with international organizations
in the field - The possibility and offers to get involved in
various European projects and programmes- Reticence of population regarding
psycho-pedagogical and counselling
services - Non-stimulating salaries make
practitioners seek better-paid
employment - Insufficient voluntary work available
- Difficulty of transporting school-
children from other parts of town to the
headquarter venue - Private counselling centres competition
- Reticence of population regarding
- The Matrix was developed with the contribution of counsellors in the Bucharest Centre of
Psycho-pedagogical Assistance.
Second stage: Identifying strategies
SO Strategy: with strengths and opportunities (very well-trained staff and favourable
external circumstances to meet the counselling needs of the target population), the
Municipal Centre may apply an aggressive strategy for good results.