(Frankie) #1


Polytechnical University, Bucharest


The interview method be said to be the practical basis of any counselling and therapeutic
relationship, whoever the subject (individuals, families, couples, etc).

Historically speaking, the interview method is part of the counselling process, while the
communication established between the specialist and the client is the premise of success.
The interview is a method that cannot be absent from any type of counselling, its history
blending into the history of the field. Up to a point, counselling is a structured interview
(more or less). Starting with the 1970s, counsellor trainers in North-American universities
were already allotting entire courses to the method, and specialists in organizational
counselling were developing structured and highly standardized interviews in order to
target transferable competences or the description of a certain occupational profile.

Theoretical background

The interview in counselling is a dynamic relationship where clients aim to present
themselves and their problems and obtain information, counsellors give personalized
answers to the formers requests and evaluate their interlocutors so as to make decisions

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