(Frankie) #1
(briefcase, folders). The hairdo must de adequate, the perfume used with
discretion, and the jewellery reduced to a minimum.
Non-verbal language. The non-verbal signals are very significant to employers
who will not hesitate to base their final decision on them, beyond the candidate’s
answers to questions. Thus, the recruiter will take into consideration how
candidates introduce themselves, say hello, shake hands (firmly, but without
overdoing it), adopt a posture and a position on the chair (not too tense and not
too relaxed), eye contact (must be kept up constantly, without staring). In
addition, the literature recommends practicing (difficult) answering questions
under stress. If unexercised and unprepared, candidates risk to breaking eye
contact suddenly, signifying to the recruiter that something is wrong.

The literature speaks of three distinct moments in preparing for an interview:

a. the initial stage, in which candidates gather information on the company and
the position;
b. the interview itself, stressing positive attitude, complete control of the
information included in the documents presented, self-presentation;
c. the post-interview stage, where candidates take notes immediately after the
meeting and politely ask for feedback from the company (whether this is
anticipated to be positive or negative).

To sum up, career counsellors may offer clients preparing for a recruitment interview a
list of certain general and concrete recommendations of the type:

  • Know exactly the sort of job you wish to get.

  • Find out as much as possible about the company and the job desired.

  • Keep up to date with novelties in the field.

  • Make up a list of your qualities, achievements and drawbacks.

  • Prepare a 4-5 minute presentation of your qualities and achievements.

  • Prepare to answer difficult questions targeting your drawbacks or failures so
    as to present them in as favourable a light as possible.

  • Refer to experiences and achievements in order to prove your capacity to
    fulfil the professional obligations of the position you are applying for.

  • Make sure your system of values is in agreement with that of the company
    you wish to work for.

  • Think positively and have confidence in yourself. The employer is not an

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