(Frankie) #1

The recruitment interview, alongside other evaluation methods employed by counsellors
or consultants in human resources, remains one of the most popular selection instruments.
Preparing for an interview is part of the career counselling process (and, more precisely,
of the information stage), since the labour market tends to favour professionalism and

All these elements must be taken into account when an intake counselling session is being
prepared. The supervisor’s activity takes on special importance with beginners.


Blanket, Alain; Gotman, Anne; Singly, Francis de; Kaufman, Jean-Claude (1998).
Ancheta şi metodele ei. Interviul, interviul comprehensiv, chestionarul. Iaşi,

Brammer, Lawrence; MacDonald, Ginger (1996). The Helping Relationship – Process
and Skills. (6th edition). Massachusetts, Allyn & Bacon Publishing Company.

Dafinoiu, Ion (2002). Personalitatea. Metode calitative de abordare: observa ţia şi
interviul. Iaşi, Polirom.

Hackney, Harold; Cormier, Sherilyn (1996). The Professional Counselor. A Process
Guide To Helping. (3rd edition). Massachusetts, Allyn & Bacon Publishing

Jigau, Mihai (2001). Consilierea carierei. Bucureşti, Editura SIGMA.

Powell, Randall C. (1995). Career Planning Today. (3rd edition). Bloomington, Indiana

Szilagyi, Andreea; Vlădulescu, Lucica (2001). Comunicare şi succes profesional.
Bucureşti, Editura Printech.

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