(Frankie) #1

Autobiography and Self-characterization

University „Ştefan cel Mare”, Suceava


For humanistic sciences, the „psychological thinking” in the writings of Saint Augustine
(354-430) and Saint Thomas d`Aquino (1225-1274) is important, as it points out the
conscience, the questioning, and the self/examination. Saint Augustine’s spiritual
autobiography could be considered a real conscience examination, which confirms the
very words of the wise man: „ Do not search for truth outside; turn to yourself; the truth is
within the inner human being”.

Theoretical background

Autobiography as expressing the meaning of the individuality in literature and humanistic
sciences has a long history. Throughout times, the human beings have been interested in
the personal representation of the world of their peers; as a result, the autobiography is
one of the most popular forms of literature. Self-biographies appeared from the
individuals` temptation to share their personal vision regarding life experiences.

The psychoanalytic approach emphasizes the role of autobiography in self-discovery,
knowing that Freud „did everything in his power so that we could have the most complete
disclosure.”(Jaccard, 2000).

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