(Frankie) #1

Self-characterization can be used in different stages, so that the counsellor will have a
feedback at some time during the counselling process about the changes in the client’s
personality structure and in the self-perception.

According to the client’s self-analysis availability, the self-characterization could bring
forward relevant information about the psychological intricacies and a general look into
the individual psychological reality (Psait, apud Holban, 1978).

Target population

Autobiography is recommended to be used especially with adults who have an easy way
of expressing themselves (Holban, 1978). This retrospective investigation method is
based on the individual capacity of up-dating the personal history and extracting the
significant data for one’s psychological evolution.

For child counselling, the method could be used as play exercise, with the child receiving
some instructions to facilitate self-disclosure.

As an analysis method, self-characterization is recommended mainly with older students
and adults. The method is useful in children counselling for personal development
through practicing self-reflection.

Examples, case studies, exercises

General exercises

  1. Do your own brief biography by discussing your personal values, aspirations, life
    experiences of decisions making.

  2. Here are some guiding questions for autobiography:

    • What are some of my successful/unsuccessful life situations, areas?

    • Was hard to get success? If so, what extra-efforts I needed to make?

    • When have I been rewarded, and when have I been criticized?

    • How did I succeed in organizing my work, study, other activities?

    • What did others believe about my work style, my study? Have these opinions
      corresponded to my own? Who were this others?

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