(Frankie) #1

experience in using an instrument on a certain client category, or of the adequacy of
certain instruments for certain beneficiaries, counsellors may use specialized discussion

Instruction for test completion. In order to ensure the validity of testing it is necessary for
the person to be instructed so as to follow the standard administration procedure of the
test. Instruction can be done face-to-face in case of a computer as a resource, or at a
distance through web pages or other Internet technologies where counsellors, professional
organizations or test developers offer information on various testing instruments.

Administration of tests. Once clients have been instructed on testing, one can proceed to
the administration itself, either by accessing password-protected self-testing websites or
by running resident applications (stand-alone) downloaded from the Internet or installed
from a CD. Should any difficulties be encountered, clients may ask for help from
counsellors by e-mail, chat, or video-conference.

Test administration on the Internet has the advantage of increasing the potential number
of clients who have access to testing services, by removing barriers related to distance or
difficulty of transport for the physically challenged (Sampson, 2000). In exchange, this
assessment method reduces control over testing environments and may compromise
standardization, for which “the counsellors have the responsibility of making sure the
testing environment and psychological climate favours high performance in a test and
factors that may compromise testing are reckoned” (AMECD, 1989, apud Sampson,
2000). The importance of following the standard administration test procedure and of
providing a favourable climate may be heightened in instructions, but in absence of the
counsellor there are no guarantees that these requirements are actually met.

Data Processing. In self-testing there is always the risk of confusion or of perception that
“there are ‘magical’ answers... this is why it must be made clear how items determine
the data scales and these latter the test interpretation... by special facilities of the
program ” (Ibid).

Test Interpretation. Sampson has enumerated a series of modalities by which the Internet
can improve test interpretation: preparing the client for test interpretation, the general
interpretation of the test, the interpretation of individual results, and supervising:

Preparing the client for test interpretation involves the presentation of repetitive
information, operation which can be performed quite well by computer
The general interpretation of the test consists in offering repetitive and time-
consuming information that can affect the counsellor’s performance. Sampson
identifies in this sense two negative effects on the client: “client may not receive
the information needed about the basic terminology used in a certain test and
what the scales and total scores measure (which makes the understanding and
application of specific interpretative information even more difficult); in case the
counsellor looks bored when giving basic information to the client, the latter may
blame himself for that and thus the counselling relationship is endangered”. Even
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