(Frankie) #1

  • opinion of others – to understand their perceptions of the subject at the heart
    of the matter;

  • impact – to stir up alternative ideas, possibly followed by an action plan.

Other people’s stories are relevant if they help strengthen self-confidence, affirm personal
capacities and suggest positive directions.

“A good story is that in which what others did help you understand your
own story” (Law, 2003).

The truth of a narration, more often than not, does not coincide with the factual truth,
since the thread of the story is woven from consumed events which are remembered
selectively, emotion of living and reliving, impressions of others, subsequent judgement,
short and long-term effects. Various approaches to professional life facts are explicable
by the significant impact on an individual in various moments of life and the gradual
cherishing of the episode, with a particular role in conserving continuity and coherence in
the face of present and future changes.

Target population

Narration is applicable in relation to various client categories. Since the communication
skills is a prerequisite for the narration counselling, the method is especially addressed to
the following groups of population:

  • pupils or graduate in a moment of educational / professional decision-

  • young people or adults who wish to change occupations;

  • people who want and aspire to continuing professional development;

  • people who can express themselves freely;

  • people with a certain level of development of the operations of formal
    thinking (operating with symbols, elaborating and following reasoning,
    issuing judgements, introspective abilities, awareness of feelings and

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